Someone asked me recently…
What do you do? And, why do you do it?
Now, to make it more challenging, he wanted me to summarize it in one sentence.
Have you ever done that, tried to summarize your career, passion, and calling in one sentence?
It definitely was not easy.
But, I cannot tell you how helpful the assignment was to complete. It brought me focus, reignited my passion, and encouraged me.
So you may be asking, what is the sentence that I came up with. Here it is…

I help people where pain from their past or their present is influencing their perspective on life by teaching them about a Person, principles, and a pathway for change so that they may have peace, hope, and joy in their lives in the future.
Are you in pain?
So many Christians are caught in a cycle of pain and confusion.
The pain that they are experiencing for the most part falls into two categories:
- Things “Done to them”: Those who have hurt them in the past or present
- Things “Done by them”: Those things done by the person that has caused them pain and problems
As a result, regardless of whether it is self-induced pain or other-inflicted pain, this person has allowed the pain to become the center of their lives. They find themselves stuck in the abuse of their past or the guilt of their past and they cannot seem to move forward.
Do you struggle with a poor perspective on life?
Their perspective and their interpretation of life is more influenced by past struggles rather than the principles and promises found in God’s Word.
They know the truths of what God’s Word says but they have a hard time believing them and or applying them to the pain that they are experiencing.
Rather than peace, they find their lives dominated by
- Disagreement
- Discord
- Agitation
- Disharmony
- Distress
- Upset
- Worry
Rather than hope, they find their lives dominated by
- Disbelief
- Distrust
- Doubt
- Fear
- Hopelessness
- Despair
- Pessimism
Rather than joy, they find their lives dominated by
- Depression
- Misery
- Sadness
- Sorrow
- Unhappiness
- Discouragement
- Mourning
- Pain
Does that sound like you?
Person, principles and promises, and a pathway
The Beauty of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ
God has a plan for your life. It is a plan that will give you true peace, true freedom, and deep and lasting joy.
In Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection we have our only hope.
What would your life be like if you knew, because of Christ, you all of a sudden have been pardoned and forgiven and that when God looks at you, He sees you as though you were righteous?
Because of you, no! But because of, the precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
What would your life be like if you truly knew God? If you knew that Christ fully and completely satisfied the justice of God on your behalf and that your debt to God is canceled in full?
What would it be like to understand that you have been granted:
- Peace
- It is tranquility, harmony, or security. Biblically, peace is relational. Peace with God, with others, and within.
- Hope
- It is a confident expectation. Biblical hope is a firm assurance and unwavering certainty in the character of God.
- Joy
- It is an internal character of the heart. It is based on faith that leads to contentment.

You no longer need to live in GUILT because of God’s matchless GRACE. As a result, you can live life in GRATITUDE and thankfulness for all that He has done for you.
Hope found in the Principles and Promises of God’s Word
Its title implies the authority of the Bible. It is the “the Word of God.” The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired (breathed out) Word of God. The Bible is the only written revelation of God to His people. It is infallible and true in all that it affirms. As a result, the Bible is the ultimate authority.
The Bible is sufficient and contains all that we will ever need to know for our salvation and living the Christian life. It is our only rule for faith and practice (Matthew 5:18; 24:35; John 10:35; 16:12–13; 17:17; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:15–17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20–21).
When we read, study, meditate and memorize this written revelation, we are not merely reading words on a page, but we are, by the work of the Holy Spirit, being spoken to by God. He not only spoke the Word in the past through the writers, but He also continues to speak to us through the written Word today in our hearts as we study it.

James Montgomery Boice puts it this way, “In other words, as individuals study the Bible, God speaks to them in their study and transforms them by the truths they find there. There is a direct encounter of the individual believer with God.”
It is the responsibility of believers to know Scripture and rightly apply it in their lives and to encourage others to do the same. As a result, any counseling that will be glorifying to God must be built firmly on the sure foundation of the authoritative, infallible, inerrant, sufficient, and effective Word of God.
To help people, I created a Pathway for change
To help people put God’s Word into practice in their lives, I created a pathway for change.
It is a proven framework to help you overcome distractions, doubts, deceptions, discouragements, and defeats and finally reach true freedom in life.
It is called an i3A Solution.
- Issue: Escape the stronghold of confusion and finally get clarity on what the problem is.
- Aim: Find hope and get rid of any uncertainty by discovering your purpose.
- Adapt: Craft a proven and effective plan to achieve fulfillment and remove any dissatisfaction in your life.
- Apply: Learn to apply your well-crafted plan and to carry it out consistently. You’re not alone!
Let Us Help You.
Lessons for Life provides online Christian counseling insights from the comfort of your home. The website is led by a Pastor, Certified Biblical Counselor, and Board-Certified Professional Counselor. The website offers tons of helpful resources on a variety of life issues.
We Desire to See People Have Peace, Hope, and Joy in their Lives!
If this is something that you were interested in or you know someone that may benefit from our resources, please share our website, podcast, and YouTube page with them.
Praying God blesses you with His grace!