Faith brings certainty and reality to that which is otherwise unknown. Trusting God for the unknown is an indication of faith. We are to place our trust ultimately in God alone (although God does use other people for our benefit).
“Trust is the most important ingredient in any relationship, but it can be very fragile. It takes time to build yet can be destroyed in an instant. It is, however, the glue of any meaningful connection with another person.
Trust is always a two-way street: it involves being vulnerable to another person yet also being trustworthy so that the other person has good reason to extend his trust.
Like trust, a pattern of distrust develops over a period of time and through many different painful relationships. This pattern isn’t easily changed.”
Unlike other humans, God never lies and always does what is best for His children. The question is whether we trust in His sovereign control in our lives, His wisdom, and His love for us.
Through faith, we depend on God in difficult times. Trusting God shows confidence in His character and abilities.
In this devotional, we learn how trusting in God’s faithfulness can be a great remedy for dealing with our fears, insecurities, and doubts.

Deuteronomy 7:9 – “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.”
Pondering the Passage
The best weapon you have against fear is a vibrant relationship with God. As you know Him more intimately, you become more confident in His character and ability to protect you.
But this increased confidence requires accurate knowledge of His attributes and ways—you must know Him as He is, as He has revealed Himself to be.
Today’s passage falls in the context of reassuring God’s people of His ability to move heaven and earth to keep His promises to them. They are about to enter the promised land, and they will have an uphill battle in claiming what God has provided for them. God assures them of His future protection of them based on His past provision.
God encourages them to look back to their rescue from Egypt as the foundation for their present confidence in Him. The “therefore” refers to verse 8’s rehearsal of God’s love for them and His acting powerfully to rescue them from enslavement under Pharaoh.
God is a covenant-keeping, faithful God. He’s proven it to them. Their future is secure because God will be the same then that He was in the past.
Later in the chapter, God explicitly brings up what they are to do if they are afraid of the wicked people who presently occupy the land: “you shall not be afraid of them but you shall remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt” (v. 18).
Just as God was unswervingly faithful to Israel, so He is faithful to you. You, like the Israelites, are a member of God’s people. He makes a covenant with you and can be trusted to keep it. When you are afraid, He tells you to remember how He has already been faithful to you, to know He will continue to be today.
Reminding yourself of God’s character is essential to freedom from fear.
You must rest in who He is. His faithfulness means He can be trusted to keep His promises, care for you, uphold you, and meet your needs. If He were a liar, His promises mean nothing. But because He is utterly trustworthy, His promises can be fully relied upon.
Personalizing the Passage
- What do I need to do as a result?
- Do I truly know that God is God?
- Do I trust in God’s steadfast love for me and His children?
- Am I diligent to keep God’s commandments?
Praying the Passage
Father thank you for your faithfulness and your trustworthiness. We live in a world full of brokenness. So many people will let us down. We struggle with our own faithlessness and others are not faithful to us consistently. However, in You, we find absolute faithfulness. Scripture says that You will remain faithful because You cannot deny Yourself. Thank you so much that we can rely upon You. In your Son’s matchless name, Amen.
Practicing the Passage
- Based on what I learned about myself from the passage and from the devotional, what do I need to change?
- What is my specific plan? How will I do it?
Recommended Resources
- Bible readings:
- Psalm 20:7; 27:14; 28:7; 40:4; 118:8-9; Proverbs 11:13; Isaiah 26:3-4; Habakkuk 3:17-18; Hebrews 11:1, 6
- Book Recommendation:
About James and Lessons for Life
Are you longing to find answers to the deeper issues of life? Join Dr. James Long, Jr., a pastor, counselor, and university professor with over 25 years of experience. Hear James as he tackles some of life’s biggest questions and helps us find God’s solutions to life’s struggles. Learn the power of living God’s grace and for His glory. Experience the joy of forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus Christ alone. If you search for freedom, you will love being part of this conversation.
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