Happy Resurrection Day!


Answering Important Questions about Jesus Christ

Who is Jesus Christ? What did His death on the cross accomplish? What did Jesus Christ’s resurrection accomplish? Was Jesus’ resurrection necessary?

These are questions many people ask and the Bible provides answers to them.

Jesus is God

Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. He is fully God and fully human. Jesus Christ left heaven at the will and plan of His Father to live an obedient human life and to become the atoning sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary (Matthew 20:28; John 3:13-17; Romans 5:8; 2 Cor 5:19-21). He is co-equal, co-substantial, and co-eternal with the Father (John 10:10; 14:9).

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Jesus is Man

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23, 25; Luke 1:26–35). He was God incarnate (John 1:1, 14). Incarnation means that God became man.

Jesus, the Great “I am”

Reading through the Gospel of John we see dramatic statements to the deity of Christ. The opening verses declare that Jesus is the Divine Word who is eternal. It says that He is creator and the basis of life and light (John 1:1-9).

Further along in the Gospel, we see a series of significant “I am” statements, which explicitly reveal Jesus’ claim to deity:

  • “I am the bread of life” – provider of spiritual food (John 6:35, 48, 51)
  • “I am the light of the world” – drive out the dark – (John 8:12; 9:5)
  • “I am the door” – opens access to the Father – (John 10:7,9)
  • “I am the good Shepherd” – protector of His sheep – (John 10:11, 14)
  • “I am the resurrection and the life” – granting life and overcoming death – (John 11:25)
  • “I am the way, the truth and the life” – only way to salvation – (John 14:6)
  • “I am the vine” – producer of fruitfulness in believers lives – (John 15:1,5)

Jesus Lived a Sinless Life

Jesus was entirely free from sin (John 8:46, 2 Cor 5:21, Heb 4:15, 1 Pet 2:22). Jesus was obedient to His Father and lovingly kept God’s Law. Hebrews 4:15 says that Jesus was “in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

Jesus’ Atoning Work

Jesus, to accomplish His atoning work, needed to be sinless (1 Peter 1:9). If He were a sinner He would have needed someone to pay for His sin.

Because of His obedient and righteous life, at our conversion we are declared righteous in God sight. 2 Corinthians 5:21 tells us that God treated sinless Christ as if He were a sinner. Christ paid the penalty and punishment for every sin ever committed or would ever be committed by every person who has or will ever believe.

In the doctrine of imputation Christ bore sins for sinner. In return, redeemed sinners bear the coat of the righteousness of Christ.

Christ, though bearing the penalty and punishment for sinners, was still holy and blameless. The believer, though still a sinner, is viewed as righteous.

Jesus paid the penalty for the believer by the shedding of His blood and His sacrificial death on the cross.

Jesus Christ is the True Prophet of God, he is the Great High Priest and He reigns as King forever (John 8:26-28; 1 Timothy 2:5; 1 Peter 2:24; John 18:36-37; Ephesians 1:22).

Jesus is the Resurrected King

Jesus’ death paid the penalty for our sin, but His resurrection guaranteed the effectiveness of His death.

Christ’s resurrection was not simply a coming back from the dead, as had been experienced by others before, such as Lazarus (John 11:1–44).

For then Jesus would have been subject to weakness and aging and eventually would have died again just as all other human beings die.

Rather, when he rose from the dead Jesus was the “first fruits” (1 Cor. 15:20, 23) of a new kind of human life, able to live eternally.

Benefits of Christ’s Resurrection

  • Christ’s resurrection assures our regeneration (1 Pet 1:3).
  • Christ’s resurrection is the guarantee for our justification (Rom 4:25)
  • Christ’s resurrection declares that believers in Christ will also in the final resurrection receive perfect resurrection bodies (1 Cor 6:14; 2 Cor 4:14; 1 Cor 15:12-58)

Paul says that our faith, our preaching, our redemption would be useless without the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20, 23).

Will you worship the Risen Savior today?


Gratitude journal

When was the last time someone said thank you to you? When was the last time you said thank you to someone else? So many people today struggle with a lack of thankfulness and ingratitude. This leads to struggles with complaining, criticizing, and comparing. Gratitude and thankfulness provide a powerful remedy for these problems. This gratitude journal helps us to identify what we should be grateful for and what we do as a result of seeing life as a gift.

God's grace prayer journal

Do you struggle with applying the truth that you learn during your study of God’s word? This God’s grace prayer journal will allow you to focus on gratitude and live in contentment in life. The journal pages encourage you to observe what you are learning from the Bible text, evaluate how you have failed to live according to the truths stated, seek forgiveness, and develop godly plans for change.

Giving hope

Do you struggle with the lack of hope? Do you find yourself struggling with doubt and insecurity during times of great challenge? During those times, you need to find your rest and assurance in pondering, personalizing, praying, and practicing what God’s Word says. In the short devotional, spend time meditating and studying each of these passages. Write down whatever comes to mind in the spaces below. And let God speak to you.

Discovering Godly patterns

One of the keys to growing in Christlikeness in our lives is to unearth and discover, and biblically evaluate our thinking patterns, speaking, and acting. This worksheet will help you be honest and specific about areas in your life that are not meeting biblical standards in thinking, speaking, and acting.

Counseling review journal

The God who began a good work in you will continue it through your lifetime and will finish it when we meet him face-to-face. God works for us, and God works in us. He enables us to become more like Christ every single day. This work is progressive and continual in this life. This worksheet helps us review and evaluate gains made during counseling and discipleship, show gratitude to God for what he has done, and develop plans for future growth and change.

Conflict review worksheet

There probably is not a day that goes by that we do not have some level of conflict with others. This worksheet helps us focus on the problem and not the person. It helps us evaluate how we have handled a dispute and how we should deal with it moving forward.

Bible study notes sheet

Do you ever struggle with doing a Bible study or journaling the key ideas from your reading? This Bible Study Note Sheet will encourage you to ponder and meditate on Scripture. Also, God’s Word is meant for you, so this worksheet will help you personalize what you are learning. It will also guide you in learning to pray God’s Word, and finally, it will encourage you to put into practice the principles and promises you find in reading the Word of God.

Anger journal

Anger is a significant issue for so many people. People often stuff or spew their anger, but very few learn to study their anger. This journal assignment will help you to do just that. It will help you understand, evaluate, and respond to your anger in better ways.

4 Steps to rethinking a problem

Do you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed with problems? Do you find yourself struggling with thinking clearly during a challenging situation? This four-step approach to rethinking a problem will help.

4P problem-solving approach worksheet

Problems can seem overwhelming. When we are in the midst of a significant crisis, many of us struggle with defining the problem and implementing helpful solutions. This worksheet helps us to identify three unbiblical and unproductive ways of handling problems. It also encourages us to destroy problems, not people, as we deal with issues in a biblical and God-honoring way.