Have you given up hope? Have you given in to fear for so long that you question God’s willingness or ability to set you free?
Have you given up on the possibility of a stable, radiant, confident, courageous, astoundingly fruitful life?
All of us have been afraid.
Afraid of the future, what others think of us, bad things we can’t control, abandonment, illness, death, spiders, heights, consequences of our actions, losing a job…the list can and does go on.
Fear puts us in a self-made prison. It can control our lives, steal our sleep, destroy our relationships, and generally make us miserable prisoners in our own minds and bodies. It can take years from us, ruin memories, overwhelm our lives, and make us wish we were never born.
There is a way to be free from fear on this side of heaven.
God does not want His people to live in fear. He offers you a life of joy, confidence, contentment, stability, and fruitfulness. In short, He offers you abundant life.

Isaiah 41:10 – “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Pondering the Passage
Perhaps more than anything else, God desires for His people to trust Him. Do we? Have we said that He is worthy of our confidence? In this text, God’s call to Israel is the same one He makes to us. His abiding presence with us should be enough to banish all fear.
But this means we have to know who He is.
He tells Israel not to fear, “for I am with you…for I am your God.” Who is the “I”? Clearly, God expects that the promise of His presence would be enough to set His people free from fear, but that assumes they, and we, know who this constantly present One is.
This verse begins to explain some of His character and ability. He is the One who strengthens and helps us. He upholds us personally with His hand. He is not merely a passive bystander, but He personally and actively infuses us with enablement, assistance, and overshadowing protection.
The larger context of the verse elaborates on what God can do for His people. He equips them for victory in battle (vs. 11-16) and supernaturally meets their needs (vs. 17-20). His power turned towards the benefit and blessing of His people, coupled with His perfect knowledge of everything there is to know, makes Him superior to every false god (vs. 21-29).
This is your God. He can be trusted to do everything good for you, meet your needs, arm you for battle, and knows everything you will ever face. Will you choose afresh to trust His goodness today?
Personalizing the Passage
- What do I need to do as a result?
Praying the Passage
Father, thank you for these five precious promises that You give us in this passage. Thank you that You are with us. Please let your perpetual presence provide us with comfort in our fears. Thank you for the personal relationship with You because of Christ. Thank you for your covenantal love, blood-bought by Your precious Son. We thank you for Your power, provision, and preserving grace, which has delivered and continues to deliver us. In Christ’s name, we pray, amen.
Practicing the Passage
- What is my specific plan? How will I do it?
Recommended Resources
- Bible readings:
- Isaiah 8:8, 10; 43:2, 5; Acts 18:9-10
- Videos:
About James and Lessons for Life
Are you longing to find answers to the deeper issues of life? Join Dr. James Long, Jr., a pastor, counselor, and university professor with over 25 years of experience. Hear James as he tackles some of life’s biggest questions and helps us find God’s solutions to life’s struggles. Learn the power of living God’s grace and for His glory. Experience the joy of forgiveness and freedom found in Jesus Christ alone. If you search for freedom, you will love being part of this conversation.
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