Radical Obedience To Christ Is Not…
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Radical Obedience To Christ Is Not…

My World is Collapsing! I Need Some Biblical Solutions
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My World is Collapsing! I Need Some Biblical Solutions

Does it feel like your world is collapsing? As you go through this time, does it feel like the earth is shaking? The mountains are uprooted? The oceans are quaking? You are not alone. So many things we took for granted have now become so uncertain. Perhaps you are struggling with fear, insecurity, doubt, discontentment,…

Video: Principles for Suffering
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Video: Principles for Suffering

How do you handle suffering? How to deal with trials and troubles? We all suffer. No one is exempt. When most people are in the throes of trials and tribulations, they tend to ask themselves one of two questions: The first question is, “Why is this happening?” The second is, “How am I going to…