Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability
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Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability

Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability   Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved – Philippians 4:1 So many people lack emotional and relational stability today. The lack of contentment and peace is contagious. Saint Augustine said, “You have made us…

Our Living Hope – Happy Easter (Resurrection) Day!
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Our Living Hope – Happy Easter (Resurrection) Day!

Happy Easter! He is risen! The tomb is empty!  Praise the Lord! The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is a pivotal point in human history.  It is essential that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for us to have salvation. One writer said, “A dead Savior is no Savior at all.” The resurrection indicated…