What Robs Your Joy?

What Robs Your Joy?

7 Joy-Robbers. What keeps us from experiencing joy? Many things hinder it, but there are seven things in particular that we all tend to do that will keep us joyless in this life. blaming others complaining dwelling on the past doubting God’s plan for your life needing the approval of others negative self-talk resistance to change….

Life Lessons: Where to Turn When Life Get Tough
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Life Lessons: Where to Turn When Life Get Tough

Where to Turn When Life Gets Tough This podcast is a message from 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18. Introduction ‌PREMISE # 1 – Every person has experienced, is experiencing, or will experience great suffering in this life. Most people do not handle that suffering well. PREMISE # 2 – Every Biblically informed Christian believes…

Podcast Show Notes – Christian Contentment
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Podcast Show Notes – Christian Contentment

Christian Contentment Podcast show notes Intro Welcome to Lessons for Life, where we seek to learn, love, and live the Word of God. Now here is James Long, Jr. Defining Christian Contentment Well, the lesson I would like to talk to you about today is contentment. There’s this quote that I’m fond of by Jeremiah…

How to Handle Faulty Perceptions – 5 Step Approach
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How to Handle Faulty Perceptions – 5 Step Approach

The Problem of Faulty Perceptions Today, I want to talk to you today about the problem of faulty perceptions. Here’s a quote: “If what we perceive or choose to believe does not reflect the truth, then how we feel does not reflect reality.” Let us say I was feeling or thinking that you don’t care…

Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability
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Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability

Principles for Emotional and Relational Stability   Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved – Philippians 4:1 So many people lack emotional and relational stability today. The lack of contentment and peace is contagious. Saint Augustine said, “You have made us…