Trapped: Getting Free from People, Patterns, and Problems by Andy Farmer
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Trapped: Getting Free from People, Patterns, and Problems by Andy Farmer

About the Book “We all know someone who feels trapped. Maybe that someone is you. With over two decades of proven counseling experience, Andy Farmer takes his unique gift for ‘simplifying-the-complex’ and escorts the reader from the trappings of slavery to the soul-satisfying vistas of freedom. If you or someone you care about needs liberation,…

Mark 4:35-5:20 – Jesus Can Deliver You
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Mark 4:35-5:20 – Jesus Can Deliver You

Overwhelmed? Feeling Helpless and Hopeless? What happens when you are overwhelmed by a power greater than yourself? All human efforts fail. You turn in on yourself. You feel helpless and hopeless, which leads to despair and fear. You need deliverance. Know this for certain: Jesus can deliver you! Mark 4:35-5:20 – Jesus Can Deliver You…

Whose Birthday Are We Celebrating? Worshipping Jesus Christ this Christmas Day
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Whose Birthday Are We Celebrating? Worshipping Jesus Christ this Christmas Day

Merry Christmas! 2020 has been a challenging and painful year for so many. It is one of those unusual periods when it is as though almost everyone that you will come into contact with is experiencing the same thing you are. There is a unity, and a community feel. Now, I know we do not…

Merry Christmas!
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Merry Christmas!