Resources: Uprooting Anger – Biblical Help for a Common Problem by Robert Jones

Resources: Uprooting Anger – Biblical Help for a Common Problem by Robert Jones

About the Book Grandma was right. You’ve got to get the weeds by the roots, or they’ll just grow back. So too with deep-rooted anger. Moralistic efforts to be patient with your coworkers won’t cut it. Regret-riddled resolutions to stop yelling at your kids won’t last. You must rip out those angry roots. But is…

How Do We Answer the Pain and Anger of the George Floyd Killing?
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How Do We Answer the Pain and Anger of the George Floyd Killing?

Pain and mistreatment are commonplace Pain and suffering have become so prevalent in our culture that it often gets overlooked. If we turn on the news every day, we hear of the brokenness of this world that we live in. We hear of the mistreatment of others daily. We watch people hurt and devalue even…

Anger and Stress Management God’s Way by Wayne Mack
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Anger and Stress Management God’s Way by Wayne Mack

Anger and Stress Management God’s Way by Wayne Mack Anger and stress affect each of us every day—even if we aren’t feeling them ourselves, we come into contact with people who are. But their commonplace nature shouldn’t cause us to shrug them away. Anger and stress are both destroyers, and they must be controlled before…

A Small Book about a Big Problem by Ed Welch
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A Small Book about a Big Problem by Ed Welch

How many times today have you been irritated? Frustrated? Anger is so common—yet it also hurts. It not only leaves a mark on us, but it also leaves a mark on others. The wounds we inflict on ourselves and others because of anger—loss of intimacy, trust, security, and enjoyment in our closest relationships—give us compelling…

If You Bite & Devour One Another by Alexander Strauch
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If You Bite & Devour One Another by Alexander Strauch

If You Bite & Devour One Another About the Book Conflict in churches is a pervasive problem we know all too well. If You Bite & Devour One Another is the only book of its kind, examining all the biblical passages on conflict and outlining key scriptural principles for handling various kinds of conflicts among…

What Price Unity?

What Price Unity?

How well do you get along with others? How well do they get along with you? Even more importantly, when you aren’t getting along with someone what do you do about it? Avoid the person? Gossip about them? Spread dissension? If you keep your thoughts to yourself but continue to hold something against someone, don’t…

Book Review: Uprooting Anger
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Book Review: Uprooting Anger

Uprooting Anger Do you struggle with anger, either in yourself or with others? Robert Jones has written an excellent book, Uprooting Anger: Biblical Help for a Common Problem, on anger that you might want to read if you struggle in this area.   In this book, he gives three fundamental principles to try to identify whether you…