Training Yourself for Godliness
In 1 Timothy 4 Paul tells Timothy that physical discipline is of some value, but godliness is of value in EVERY WAY. He then goes on to encourage him to be an example in speech, conduct, in love, faith and purity. (See 1 Timothy 4:1-12). Isn’t it just like our current culture to have things so backward? Eat this, don’t eat that, trackers to see how many steps we have, gym memberships and workout clothes are all the rage! But how hard are you going after godliness? God tells us in His Word that nothing is more important that pursuing godliness because it is of value in this life as well as the one to come.
So how about a little self examination. Is godliness a greater pursuit for you than your diet and work out routine? How are you setting an example in how you speak and how you are treating others? Are you growing in faith and purity? Have you given consideration to these things? As we begin this somber part of Holy Week perhaps these questions can guide you in your thinking. Remember that the pursuit of godliness is nothing other than the pursuit of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and He is your righteousness!!